Goldendoodles- a delightful blend of Golden Retrievers and Poodles are known for their social and friendly nature. They enjoy the company of their human parents and always want to be a part of family activities. But in a world that constantly demands our attention, it is not always possible for someone from your family to be with the four-legged companion all the time.

So, a common query among prospective dog owners is “Can Goldendoodles Be Left Alone?” Do they get nervous, depressed, or anxious when their humans are not home? This article embarks on a journey through the world of Goldendoodles, unraveling their personalities and highlighting the factors pet owners should keep in mind when leaving their furry pets alone.

Can Goldendoodles Be Left Alone? The Answer Lies in Their Lineage

Any discussion about the Goldendoodle breed should begin with their lineage. This breed inherits a blend of traits from their Golden Retriever ancestors, making them friendly, gentle, and loyal. Their intelligence, playful spirit, and hypoallergenic coat can be attributed to their Poodle lineage.

Another significant characteristic that has been passed down to Goldendoodles from their ancestors is their adaptability. It makes them well-suited for various living conditions and environments. So, be it a big family home or a bachelor pad, they’re just as happy wherever they are.

Similarly, while they do love human interaction and companionship, they are super comfortable with solitude as well, especially when it is only for short durations. This adaptable nature is your answer to can Goldendoodles be left alone.

What About Goldendoodle Puppies and Mini Goldendoodles?

Adult Goldendoodles and Mini Goldendoodles generally don’t mind being alone for a few hours every day. But the same is often untrue for Goldendoodle and Mini Goldendoodle puppies.

If a Goldendoodle puppy be left alone for extended periods, they can develop separation anxiety. It is a type of behavior disorder characterized by anxiety or distress experienced by the dog when separated from its owner or people they’re bonded to. The condition can manifest in a range of behaviors, and its severity varies from mild to severe.

What About Goldendoodle Puppies and Mini Goldendoodles?

Here are some common signs of separation anxiety in dogs-

  • Excessive Vocalization- Your dog might bark, howl, or whine excessively when left alone.
  • Inappropriate Elimination- Some dogs might defecate or urinate inside the house when left alone.
  • Destructive Behavior- They can engage in destructive activities, like digging, chewing furniture, or scratching doors and windows.
  • Attempts to Escape- If anxiety is severe, the dog may also attempt to escape the house.
  • Pacing and Restlessness- Dogs may exhibit restlessness, pacing, or an inability to settle down when separated from their owners.
  • Drooling or Panting- Physical signs of anxiety such as excessive panting and drooling, may be evident.

Training Your Goldendoodle to Be Alone and Preparing Your Home

This issue of separation anxiety can be prevented to a major extent if you start training your Goldendoodle for the same from a young age. Without proper training in the early years of their lives, it can be difficult even for adult Goldendoodles to be left alone during the day for more than 3-4 hours.

So, how do you train your Goldendoodle to be comfortable when left alone? How should you prepare your home? Here are some tips that should help-

Start Gradually

Try to ease your Goldendoodle into alone time by starting with shorter durations. Start with 1-2 hours and extend it gradually. This will help your pet build confidence, making it easier for them to be alone without feeling overwhelmed.

Establish a Set Routine

Build a consistent leaving routine to provide a sense of predictability to your Goldendoodle. With a set routine, your dog will learn to anticipate your departures, reducing anxiety and stress associated with being alone.

Create a Safe and Comfortable Space

Choose a comfortable and secure area for your Goldendoodle when you’re away. Ensure the space is filled with items your pet is familiar with, like their favorite toys, bed, and an article of clothing with your scent. Ensure that your pet also has easy access to food, water, and toilet

Prefer an Indoor Location

Prefer an Indoor Location

Can Goldendoodles be left outside? Yes, but it is generally recommended that you keep them indoors to ensure protection against the weather and other threats like theft and wildlife.  Moreover, it will be easier for your pet to feel comfortable and relaxed in the indoor environment as compared to being outdoors.

Add Some Interactive Toys

Goldendoodles like staying mentally engaged. So, keep some interactive toys and puzzles in the area to keep them mentally stimulated. The engaging activities ward off boredom and also provide a positive distraction. This can make their alone time less stressful and more enjoyable.

Keep Things Calm

Dramatic farewells and homecomings will only make things worse for your pet. Keep the ambiance calm and soothing to foster a sense of normalcy. By minimizing emotional extremes, you can help your Goldendoodle desensitize to your comings and goings, ultimately reducing anxiety associated with being alone.

Positive Reinforcement

Reinforce positive behavior with praise and treats. Consider rewarding your Goldendoodle for calm behavior during your departures and arrivals, creating positive associations with being alone. This will encourage them to view your absence as a positive experience.

Regular Exercise

Searching for dogs that can be left alone for 8 hours? A Goldendoodle can be one too. One of the most effective ways to prepare your dog to be alone is regular exercise, especially before you’re about to leave. This will help them expend excess energy, encouraging them to rest and relax soon after you leave.

Think About a Companion

If you’re an experienced pet parent and if your lifestyle allows, you can also consider getting a second pet as a companion for your Goldendoodle. Most Goldendoodles generally find comfort in the presence of another animal, reducing the feeling of isolation and providing additional social interaction.

Monitor Your Pet’s Behavior

You can use pet cameras to monitor your Goldendoodle’s behavior when alone. The camera will allow you to assess their comfort, identify any signs of distress, and address potential issues, ensuring their well-being when you’re away.

How to Leave Your Goldendoodle Alone for Longer Durations?

How to Leave Your Goldendoodle Alone for Longer Durations?

There will be times when you’ll have to keep your Goldendoodle or Mini Goldendoodle alone for longer durations. This might also happen when you’re still in the process of training your pet. So, can Goldendoodles or Mini Goldendoodles be left alone for 8 hours or more?

In such cases, you can try to seek assistance from family and friends. Talk to them and find out if they’re willing to drop in at your home when you’re away and spend some time with your pet.

Alternatively, if no one from your social circle could accompany your pet, you can also consider a dog walking service. A professional dog walker can easily take care of your beloved pet for a few hours when you’re away from home. However, for longer durations of days and weeks, it’d be wise to consider a trusted and reputed doggy daycare.

Should You Leave Your Goldendoodle Alone in a Crate?

Yes, you can consider leaving your Goldendoodle in a crate when you’re away from home for short periods. Crating can provide a safe, secure, and comfortable environment for a dog when they are alone, preventing them from engaging in destructive behaviors or causing harm to themselves.

However, the amount of time your furry friend can be comfortable crated varies based on factors like temperament, age, and training. For instance, puppies generally need more frequent breaks and should not be crated for extended periods due to their limited bladder control and higher energy levels.

Adult dogs, on the other hand, can be crated for longer durations. However, you must ensure they have sufficient exercise, mental stimulation, and bathroom breaks before being crated.

Understanding the Individuality of Your Goldendoodle

Understanding the Individuality of Your Goldendoodle

Can Goldendoodles or mini Goldendoodles be left alone? Yes, you can leave these breeds alone for 6-8 hours provided you’ve trained them for this and have made adequate arrangements at home. But at the same time, it is also important to understand that every dog is a unique individual, possessing distinct quirks, personalities, and characteristics.

Like humans, dogs exhibit a wide range of temperaments, behaviors, and preferences that make them special and endearing companions. So, while it is generally said that Goldendoodles are highly adaptable and can be trained to stay alone for 6-8 hours every day, things can be very different for your Goldendoodle or Mini Goldendoodle.

Factors like lineage, early socialization, and individual characteristics can significantly vary and could have a considerable impact on how your pet handles isolation. Some Goldendoodles can be more prone to social anxiety while others might enjoy the alone time. So, if you’re about to bring a Goldendoodle or Mini Goldendoodle home, avoid such preconceived notions.

Leaving Your Goldendoodle Alone

So, can Goldendoodles be left alone? Yes, you can leave your Goldendoodle alone for short durations and train them to feel safe and comfortable by themselves. By embracing gradual introductions, positive reinforcement, and offering a safe and stimulating environment, owners can teach their Goldendoodles to better adapt to periods of solitude.

But remember, each Goldendoodle is an individual, and a tailored approach along with plenty of love and consistency will contribute to a content and confident canine companion. Good luck!


1.  How long can my Goldendoodle stay home alone?

Adult Goldendoodles can handle being alone for 6-8 hours. However, smaller pups should be adequately trained for being alone or they could develop separation anxiety. But if you’re looking for if Goldendoodles be left alone for a week, they cannot. You must consider doggy daycare for much longer durations.

2.  Do Goldendoodles have separation anxiety?

Yes, Goldendoodles can develop separation anxiety if they haven’t been properly trained. New dog parents can consider professional training to ensure their beloved family member learns to be by themselves from an early age.

3.  How long can a Goldendoodles hold their bladder?

Adult Goldendoodles can generally hold their bladder for 6-8 hours, while puppies may need more frequent bathroom breaks due to their smaller bladder capacity. But as every dog is an individual, you’ll have to spend some time with your Goldendoodle to better understand its ability to hold their bladder.

4.  How long does it take to housebreak a Goldendoodle?

Housebreaking a Goldendoodle can take at least a few weeks or even a few months. Consistent positive reinforcement, a regular schedule, and patience are key to successfully house train your Goldendoodle.

5.  Do Goldendoodles tend to run away?

Goldendoodles are known for their loyalty and are less likely to run away if they’re properly trained and provided a secure environment. Mental stimulation, regular exercise, and interacting with them when you’re home also abundantly contribute to a well-behaved and content Goldendoodle.

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