How many puppies do Goldendoodles have? Like many Doodle lovers, you might be asking yourself this question. First, a Goldendoodle is the most popular Doodle dog. Its parent breeds are the Golden Retriever and Poodle. A Goldendoodle comes in these sizes: miniature, medium, and standard.

Female Goldendoodle puppies go on the heat for the first time in six months. Even so, the best time to mate the dog is during the following one or two heat cycles. If you desire to raise Goldendoodle dogs, read the rest of this article to know about its pregnancies and litters.

What are the various Goldendoodle generations?

  • F1 Generations – The best hybrid Goldendoodle litter comes from the first generation, the F1 Goldendoodle. The genetic mixture in these puppies is 50% Golden Retriever and 50% Poodle. The F1B Goldendoodle puppies have 25 percent Golden Retriever and 75 percent Poodle genes. In the F1BB Goldendoodles category, puppies have 12.5 percent Golden Retriever genes and 87.5 percent Poodle genes.


  • F2 Generations – The F2 generation litter comes from cross-breeding the F1 generation Doodles. The puppies’ genetic makeup is fifty percent Golden Retriever and fifty percent Poodle. The next F2B Goldendoodle litter size is 62.5 percent Poodle and 37.5 percent Golden Retriever. The F2BB Goldendoodle litter consists of 18.75 percent Golden Retriever and 81.25 percent Poodle. Lastly, we have multigenerational Goldendoodles with F2, F2B, and F2BB genetic mixtures.

How many puppies do Goldendoodles have after the first litter? The latter generations get more Poodle genes. Poodle is the dominant parent determining factors like size, intelligence, and coat. As Poodles can be miniature, medium, or standard-sized, they can bring forth puppies of varying heights and weights.

How many puppies do Goldendoodles have?

How many puppies Goldendoodles have?

Now you understand a few facts about the Goldendoodle generations and backgrounds. Next, we will answer this: how many puppies do Goldendoodles have? On average, a Goldendoodle female gives birth to three to eight puppies. This number is an estimate because several factors affect the litter size. The dog generations matter when estimating the litter size.

Arriving at an accurate answer requires first answering these two questions. First, how many puppies do Golden retrievers usually have? Golden retrievers produce eight puppies on average. The next question to consider asking yourself is this: how many puppies do Poodles have?

Poodle dogs tend to have more babies as their size increases. Hence, a toy Poodle produces three puppies, while a miniature one produces five. But what number of puppies do standard Poodles have? Standard Poodles are the biggest dogs in the lot. They produce about seven puppies in one litter.

A Goldendoodle dog should produce a range of three to eight puppies. Litters can be bigger than eight or smaller than three. Nobody can accurately answer this, how many puppies do Goldendoodles have? It is a matter of chance. When your dog gives birth, you can tell if your estimations are correct.

What can increase or reduce the litter size?

Goldendoodles are some of the loveliest Doodles. No person can mind having many puppies in a litter. Sadly, you might expect many puppies only to get three or fewer. A secret to having a larger litter size lies in the degree of care you offer the female dog. Although you cannot control some biological factors affecting fertility, you should play your part.

1.  Goldendoodle size

Generally, the litter size depends on the Goldendoodle size. A poodle is the determinant of size. Earlier, we noted that Poodles have more babies as their sizes increase. Thus, larger Goldendoodles come from mating a standard-sized Poodle and a Golden Retriever. These hybrid dogs will produce more puppies than miniature and medium Goldendoodles. Here is the breakdown:

  • How many puppies does a standard Goldendoodle have? -A standard Goldendoodle female delivers seven to eight puppies in a litter.
  • How many dogs does a medium Goldendoodle produce? – It can give birth to five to six puppies.
  • How many puppies does a mini Goldendoodle have? – A miniature Goldendoodle produces only three to four puppies per litter.

Dog size

2.  Goldendoodle generations

We already told you how generations could affect the number of puppies a mother can have. The offspring can be big or small depending on the percentage of parent genes in a Goldendoodle. Where the gene ratio is 50:50, you might have fewer or many puppies.

If a dog inherits more dominant fertility genes from its Golden Retriever parent, it might have a big litter. In most cases, though, puppies have more Poodle genes. How many puppies do Goldendoodles have based on this notion?

If Poodle genes are dominant, the litter size will be three to eight puppies. We must also consider this: What number of puppies does a standard Poodle have? Standard Poodles have seven puppies on average. You will be at an advantage if mating Goldendoodles that came from a Standard Poodle parent. The odds are high that the litter will be big.

3.  Food

A female Goldendoodle needs to eat enough calories each day. It also needs to eat a balanced diet to get fertile many times. Goldendoodles’ pregnancy tips can somehow resemble ours. A pregnant woman should eat a healthy diet to build her health and her baby’s.

Likewise, pregnant dogs require a healthy diet to deliver puppies with higher odds of survival. How many puppies do Goldendoodles have when eating a proper diet? First, a young female dog should always eat a healthy meal to better its chances of going into heat. Provide the best dog food for Goldendoodle during pregnancy time to get healthy puppies.

Secondly, the dog should eat a more nutritious minerals and vitamin diet when pregnant and after giving birth. If you follow these easy rules, your Goldendoodle might sire more puppies. Unhealthy mothers deliver smaller litters and weak puppies that may not make it to adulthood.

4.  Current health status

How many puppies do Goldendoodles have if their health status is good? Healthy Goldendoodles produce more puppies than unhealthy ones. Diet goes a long way to improving your dog’s health status. Nevertheless, the dog’s health depends on other factors too.

Current health status

For instance, your Goldendoodle boasts a lot of mental and physical energy. It needs proper physical and mental stimulation to get fit and feel happy. A Goldendoodle requires sixty minutes of exercise daily and some quiet time. Another determinant of good health is the number of medical checkups you offer your dog.

Before mating your Goldendoodle, call a professional veterinarian for a thorough medical checkup. The veterinarian will verify the dog’s ability to carry a pregnancy. After breeding your pet successfully, keep taking it for pregnancy testing and evaluations.

A veterinarian can guide you on how to care for a pregnant Goldendoodle pet. The pet does not need regular prenatal checkups like humans. Take the pet to a vet in the beginning and toward the end of a pregnancy. How many puppies do Goldendoodles have at birth? A health checkup done two to three weeks before birth ensures that the mother can deliver all puppies safely.

If the mother and litter are healthy, wait for the birth date to deliver the puppies at home. As with humans, puppy deliveries are not always safe. As anything can happen, visit your veterinarian if an emergency crops up. Whether the dog delivers at home or not, it requires a thorough medical checkup about forty-eight hours after.

The vet will verify if the mother and puppies are doing fine. How many puppies do Goldendoodles have if the pregnancy ends well? The dog might not have stillbirths, which means all the puppies in the womb will come out.

5.  Dog’s age

Do you intend to mate an older or a younger dog? We can compare a dog’s fertility based on age to humans. A younger woman has optimal fertility levels, unlike an older woman. Also, an older woman than thirty-five years has higher odds of carrying twins, triplets, or other multiple pregnancies.

Dog’s age

Hence, how many puppies do Goldendoodles have based on age? Younger Goldendoodles with smaller body sizes reach maturity earlier than their larger counterparts. Also, older Goldendoodles can have more puppies than younger mothers.

Nonetheless, an older dog should be super healthy to avoid having weak puppies in one litter. Younger dogs produce fewer but stronger puppies and can come on heat faster than older dogs.

6.  Breeding conditions

The environment in which you breed your dog can determine the litter size it would produce. If the female dog has stress, it will deliver fewer puppies. It might also deliver weak puppies with limited chances of reaching adulthood.

How many puppies do Goldendoodles have in favorable breeding conditions? Your dog can have a bigger litter if it has no stress. Human mothers respond poorly to stress during pregnancy. Some suffer from miscarriages, hypertension, and more.

Dog mothers are similar in that they can lose a pregnancy due to stress. Moreover, a stressed dog’s fertility levels might go down and it can take longer to go on heat. To help your Goldendoodle get pregnant and not suffer a miscarriage, provide a nurturing environment.

7.  Inbreeding

The choice of dogs to mate with is crucial when answering this part: how many puppies do Goldendoodles have? If you keep mating the same related dogs, the chances of having smaller litters are high. Inbreeding leads to genetic defects in dogs and other animals.

Additionally, the resulting offspring might inherit health issues from the family lineage. The more health problems the dogs have, the lower their survival chances. Even surviving puppies might later pass bad genes to their offspring. The solution to inbreeding is finding a male from another dog family.

Artificial insemination can lead to higher or lower-quality puppies. It may also decrease the litter size. Dogs sire more puppies when they mate naturally. Besides, the professional conducting artificial insemination should use more than one dog to increase the litter size.

When should you allow your dog to mate for the first time?

When should you allow your dog to mate for the first time?

A mating cycle can affect the puppies numbers. As we mentioned, a female can reach its first mating cycle at six months. Do not give your female to a male dog at this age. Its body is too young and might not have adequate eggs.

Besides, a young dog can develop pregnancy complications and deliver in an emergency.

These factors can lower their odds of having many puppies. It is better to have your Goldendoodle reproduce at twenty-four months or after. After the eighth to the tenth year, it is safer to forbid your Goldendoodle to have other litters. It can develop risky health issues and die before its fifteenth year.

FAQ About How Many Puppies Goldendoodles Have

Find the frequently asked questions and answers:

1.  How Long Does a Goldendoodle Stay Pregnant?

A Goldendoodle should get pregnant in its second or third cycle. Their gestation period is sixty-one to sixty-four days.

2.  How Many Puppies Will a Medium Goldendoodle Have?

As we earlier said, the type of Poodle used to breed your Goldendoodle can affect its future offspring. If the Poodle is of medium size, chances are that the mother would produce five to six puppies. Again, if the mother has stronger reproduction genes from its Golden Retriever parent, her chances of reaching six puppies go up. That’s because Golden Retrievers have more puppies.

3.  How Many Puppies Can a Dog Have in Their First Litter?

A Goldendoodle dog will deliver three to eight puppies in their first litter. The more Poodle genes the dogs have, the higher the odds of having a smaller litter. But when considering standard Poodles, the litter gets bigger. Three or eight puppies are not standard figures but estimates. Ever asked this: how many puppies do Labradoodles have? Labradoodles have twelve puppies per litter. They produce a larger litter than Goldendoodles.

4.  How Many Puppies Do Mini Goldendoodles Have in a Litter?

Miniature Goldendoodles can have three to 4 puppies per litter. They produce the least number of puppies on average.

5.  What is the Best Age to Breed a Goldendoodle?

The correct age to mate your Goldendoodle dog is 24 months. Six to twelve months is usually the first cycle in most dogs. It is not the best age because the pet is too young to nurture puppies. The second or third cycle is the best time.

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