A Goldendoodle mixed with Labrador becomes a Double Doodle. A Double Doodle has other names, including the Goldendoodle Lab Mix or the Goldendoodle Labrador Mix. Its polarity is currently rising as one of the best dogs for companionship. Weighing fifty to eighty pounds, a Double Doodle is a strong dog with immense intelligence and remarkable swimming skills.

The Double Doodle picks these traits from its parents: the Goldendoodle and the Labrador Retriever. The two are cross bred to create a dog with a shedding or a non-shedding wavy coat. The Double Doodle puppies have lovely coats of different colors. If you are searching for a cute, hypoallergenic designer dog, the Goldendoodle mixed with Labrador dog breed might please you. We will discuss this dog’s parentage, appearance, size, health, and other details.

A Goldendoodle mixed with Labrador equals a Double Doodle

A Double Doodle is an irresistible dog in terms of appearance and other traits. It is a cross-bred Goldendoodle and Labradoodle offspring after all. Each parent dog has admirable characteristics, which it transfers to the Double Doodle puppy. A Goldendoodle mixed with Labrador results in a puppy with a blend of genes. To ensure you understand this dog well, we will discuss the history of each parent.

1.  Goldendoodle

Goldendoodles first appeared on earth in 1969, thanks to Monica Dickens. She was a great-grandchild of Charles Dickens, a British author. Her Goldendoodles were a mix between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle.

Monica’s top motive for creating a Goldendoodle was to help dog lovers with allergies suffer no more. Her breed became a low-shedding dog with admirable intelligence and demeanor. Goldendoodles have mild temperaments, which makes them perfect therapy dogs. The history of Goldendoodle parents entails:

Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever is of Scottish descent. It first appeared in the middle of the nineteenth century via Lord Tweedmouth’s efforts. He wanted a dog breed that could endure Scotland’s rainy climate. After attempting severally, Lord Tweedmouth managed to create the intelligent and adorable Golden Retriever. It makes a perfect family dog as it likes outdoor fun and cuddling with its owner.

Golden Retriever



The Poodle is a French dog breed. We can trace its roots in Germany about four hundred years ago. In the beginning, the Poodle was a duck hunter. It could fetch killed waterfowl from the sea for its master. Poodles have curly, low-shedding coats. They are good swimmers despite their hairy bodies. Years later, the Poodle found its way into the arms of the French royals. The Poodle is a national dog in France today. Poodles became famous worldwide when the entertainment icons began to bring them to different festivals. The first Poodles were of standard size. When the breed became trendy, the breeders created the toy and the miniature breeds. The Toy Poodle originated in the early twentieth century in the US. It was a home pet for city dwellers. As you can imagine, the Poodle is a high-quality dog with excellent traits. Hence, it does not surprise us that the Poodle is a parent to most designer dogs. The top ones include Goldendoodles and Goldendoodle mixed with Labrador Double Doodles.

2.  Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever is a Canadian dog breed. This dog originated from Newfoundland rather than Labrador. It was a retriever dog carried in boats to help the owners catch fish that got out of the fishing nets.

A Labrador retriever is a competent swimmer with a tail that works like a rudder. It has a short and thick coat that promotes its swimming abilities in icy waters. The Labrador’s body can withstand water, as it can move like boats do.

The Labrador dog arrived in Great Britain at the beginning of the nineteenth century via English royals who had toured Canada. According to the American Kennel Club, the Labrador Retriever is the most popular breed since 1991. A good-natured Labrador with the hypoallergenic Poodle and a Goldendoodle makes a perfect Double Doodle dog.

The Goldendoodle-Lab Mix history

The Goldendoodle-Lab Mix history

A Goldendoodle mixed with Labrador brings forth the most adorable designer dog. The Goldendoodle-Lab Mix or Double Doodle is a dedicated family pet with a friendly personality. As you can get from our discussion above, a Double Doodle unites three different dog breeds.

These are the Golden Retriever, the Poodle, and the Labrador Retriever. The combination of three breeds creates a hybrid designer dog. The Double Doodle emerged about a decade and a half ago. A good skill it gets from all its parents is swimming.

All parent dogs were gundogs made to retrieve birds from the sea. Although Goldendoodle mixed with Labrador dogs are fantastic hunters, they are naturally humble and easy to train. That is why their offspring, the Double Doodle, makes a wonderful indoor and outdoor dog.

Goldendoodle Labradoodle Lab Mix Characteristics

Do you need a superior designer dog? Could the Double Doodle be the dog you are looking for? The only way to decide is to learn about this dog’s characteristics. We will discuss various things you should know next.

1.  Appearance

A Goldendoodle mixed with Labrador creates a dog breed with no standard appearance. Double Doodles have varied looks, including different coat colors. A Double Doodle puppy can pick up genetic traits from any of the three parents.

It might also have many traits from one or two parents and fewer ones from the remaining parent. Generally, Goldendoodle mixed with Labrador dogs have long and wavy hair. They can be white, cream, tan, golden, brown, or black.

Double Doodles come with dark, button-shaped eyes, long, droopy ears, and a wide snout. Their facial shapes vary widely based on the traits a puppy inherits from its parents.

2.  Goldendoodle Lab Mix size

A female Labrador Retriever dog weighs fifty-five to seventy pounds. A male Labrador is sixty-five to eighty pounds heavy. Male Goldendoodles are sixty-five to seventy-five pounds heavy while females weigh fifty-five to sixty-five pounds.

Goldendoodle Lab Mix size

Female Poodle dogs are forty to fifty pounds heavy while males weigh sixty to seventy pounds. Based on this weight data, Labrador Retrievers are the heaviest of all the three parent dogs. Hence, female Goldendoodle mixed with Labrador puppies weigh fifty-five pounds while males are ten pounds heavier.

We also expect a Goldendoodle mixed with Labrador puppies born to miniature Poodles to weigh less. A standard Goldendoodle-Lab Mix can be twenty to twenty-eight inches tall. A miniature one can be seventeen to twenty inches tall. That is why we noted that Double Doodles look different.

3.  Grooming needs

Goldendoodle Lab Mix shed fur differently. If you get a shedding puppy, you will deal with a lot of dander. On the other hand, a non-shedding Double Doodle sheds less but has strict grooming needs. Comb its coat often to prevent tangling of the fur.

As this dog also has long fur, it requires regular trimming. Take it to a professional if you are unsure of your shaving abilities. A shedding Goldendoodle mixed with Labrador retriever will require regular brushing to clean the short fur.

You do not need to trim its fur as it will shed heavily twice a year. During this time, use some de-shedding tools to make the process easier. For the rest of the time, the dog will shed hair moderately.

Double Doodles have long, floppy ears requiring cleaning once or twice every week. As for the teeth, you should brush them every day to remove tartar. Dog nails need trimming once each month.

4.  Temperament

A Goldendoodle mixed with Labrador offspring can have a mild temperament type. This should not surprise you since a Double Doodle has three parents. The Labrador Retriever and the Golden Retriever dogs have similar traits. They are intelligent, obedient, physically active, and companionable dogs. These are some of the best family dogs because they love people and fellow dogs.


On the other hand, Poodles are intelligent and full of energy. They make loyal friends although they sometimes display timidity around strange dogs and people. Goldendoodle mixed with Labrador puppies often take the Poodle’s temperament.

5.  Friendliness

Goldendoodle Labradoodle Mixes are friendly family dogs. They adore their master before anyone or anything else. Thorough training can help them become more hospitable to others.

Double Doodles are easy to train because they have the Poodle’s intelligence.

Some people use these Doodles as therapy dogs. Others use them as a watchdog because they like to bark. Additionally, their parents were originally gundogs. All the same, a Goldendoodle Labradoodle Mix is not a reliable watchdog for your home. Regarding kids, this dog is a perfect friend to them but might require supervision from an adult.

6.  Training

A Goldendoodle mixed with Labrador litter responds well to training. It is a very sharp dog that learns new tricks quickly. Poodles can be stubborn during training. Training can be hard if a Double Doodle puppy inherits this from its Poodle parent.

You need a positive attitude to train this dog. Getting tired during training is quite unlikely because a Goldendoodle Lab Mix is super energetic. It can work out for two hours straight.

Remove its leach when not around strangers to let it run around and play its favorite games. If you love to run or ride a bicycle, a Double Doodle can be your unfailing workout companion.

7.  Health issues

If you need Goldendoodle mixed with Labrador puppies, ensure you can protect their health. Since Double Doodles are mixed-breed dogs, they can have robust health. However, a puppy may inherit some health issues from its parents.

A Golden Retriever dog may have heart disease, workout-induced collapse, eye issues, or hip or elbow dysplasia. A Goldendoodle parent may have heart disease, hip or elbow dysplasia, thyroid disease, or eye issues.

Health issues

Hence, a puppy may develop any of its parents’ health conditions later in life. Veterinarians have found the following health issues in Goldendoodle Lab Mix dogs:

  • Cataracts or Progressive retinal atrophy
  • Arthritis
  • Hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia
  • Bloating
  • Thyroid conditions
  • Ear issues
  • Obesity
  • Cancer

If your Goldendoodle mixed with Labrador dog does not get severe health issues, it can live twelve to fifteen years. It has lower odds of developing these conditions, but it still could. These health issues are expensive to cure.

Hence, prepare for more cost than just the Goldendoodle lab mix price. Perhaps you should consider buying pet insurance for your Goldendoodle. Above all, ensure that you can spare time for exercising your dog every day. An active dog cannot become obese and risk getting joint issues.


1.  What is a Goldendoodle Mixed with a Labrador?

A Goldendoodle mixed with Labrador retriever is a mixed designer dog called a Double Doodle. Its parent breeds are the Goldendoodle, the Labrador Retriever, and the Poodle.

2.  Can You Breed a Labrador Retriever with a Goldendoodle?

A Goldendoodle can be back bred as long as you are a professional. A Goldendoodle mixed with Labrador litter will turn out healthy and strong if you choose parent dogs carefully.

You should avoid getting females from unscrupulous puppy farmers. These keep female dogs in poor living conditions and force them to give birth to more litters than recommended. These female dogs could transfer health conditions to puppies.

3.  How Big Do Goldendoodle Lab Mixes Get?

We have answered this question well: Can you breed a Goldendoodle with a Labrador? However, if the size is a crucial factor when breeding, choose your Poodle dog carefully. If you want your Goldendoodle Lab Mix to be taller and heavier, get a standard Poodle.

In contrast, choose a miniature Poodle if you do not mind a medium-sized dog. A Double Doodle weighs eighty pounds maximum and can grow up to twenty-eight inches tall.

4.  How Long Do Goldendoodles Live?

A well-cared-for Goldendoodle mixed with Labrador dog can spend twelve to fifteen years on earth.

5.  What Health Issues Do Goldendoodles Have?

A Goldendoodle dog is a parent to the Double Doodle. Do you want your Goldendoodle Lab Mix puppies for sale to be healthy? Pick a Goldendoodle parent without these diseases: hip or elbow dysplasia, eye disease, thyroid disease, or heart disease.


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