Adopting a Goldendoodle as a pet is a dream come true for so many among us. It is an intelligent, loving, and cheerful dog breed. But this adoption is not without its pitfalls and challenges, and potty training your Goldendoodle pup is probably the biggest challenge. You may have a question in mind that are Goldendoodles easy to train? Yes, if you follow some tips. We have you covered here how. Our guide effectively covers all the essential aspects of this process and will help you get over it with comparative ease. So, let’s begin.

When should you start potty training your Goldendoodle pup?

You should not start this process until your puppy is six weeks old. It would be useless before six weeks of attempting because the puppy is too little to understand anything. Similarly, if your puppy is ten weeks or older and you haven’t even begun the process of potty training, you have become late, and it will be harder for you to potty train your puppy now. Fortunately, Goldendoodle is a very intelligent animal and learns quickly, but still, it is crucial that you start at the right age.

How long does it take to fully house-train your puppy?

There is no specific time limit for this. It can take somewhere from a few weeks to a few months even. It depends on several factors, and one of the keys among them is your pet’s learning abilities. But rest assured, it will not be over in a short time. Prepare yourself for a long training period ahead, have plenty of patience, and remain consistent in your efforts.

With that being said, let’s share a few tips on potty training your Goldendoodle pup.

Learn to understand your puppy’s body language:

Whenever your puppy wants to relive itself, it will start repeating some body movements and gestures. These include sniffing things around, scratching, going in full or half-circles, and whining and whimpering. These are all tell-tale signs that you should take your puppy outside for doing his deed.

Restrict your puppy’s movement in the house:


Restrict your puppy's movement in the house


In the beginning, familiarize your puppy with one or two rooms of your house only. The puppy should bear in mind that these two rooms are his domains only, and he should not make a mess inside.

Take your puppy outside frequently:

If your puppy is small (6 to 8 weeks), you should take it out every hour, if not every half an hour. Due to their minor age and higher metabolism, they pee more frequently because they are unable to hold their fecal and urine waste. By the time they are ten weeks old or older, they can eat more and keep their poop or pee for 2-3 hours, which means less work for you. But in any case, take your puppy out after every meal, after napping, and before sleeping at night.

Fix a spot outside for your puppy:

Take your puppy outside to the same spot for doing his thing. He will remember that place, and the odor of his pee or poop will remind him that this place is meant to be doing this only. You can try Goldendoodle doorbell training to go outside.

Use the same word for commanding your puppy for this act:

It is vital that you use simple commands for your Goldendoodle puppy again and again; that translate into doing his act. It could be anything like “let’s go,” “hurry up,” “it’s time to go,” etc. The puppy should be able to link these words with the time to excrete. And this should imprint in his mind.

When your puppy fails you during training:

It is bound to happen, so be prepared for it. The important thing is how you react to it. Please don’t punish the puppy; he won’t get why you are angry. Instead, treat him with a firm and commanding “no, no” so that he may know he is committing something wrong. Also, take him out immediately, even though he may have already done his part. He must understand that this behavior is acceptable only when out and not inside the house. Developing this mindset is crucial for your dog.

Monitor your puppy’s diet:


Monitor your puppy's diet


How much you feed your puppy is directly responsible for his bowel and bladder movement. Develop a timetable for your puppy and provide him with those fixed times. In this way, you can estimate or reasonably predict when he will be in need to defecate, keeping in view his age and general health. But you must follow a strict timetable in this regard.

Reward good behavior:

It is vital that you pat your dog’s back throughout the training time whenever he follows the set routine of defecating. This positive reinforcement will go a long way in instilling potty training in him, and he will be fully trained in less time.


That is all about potty training your Goldendoodle puppy. We hope you will find it to be helpful. Remember, you need to have oodles of patience and remain consistent with your efforts. These two traits will be your best friends during this entire period. So good luck and enjoy the process.

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