Goldendoodles possess a hypo-allergenic fur coat. It means they shed little fur. But that doesn’t mean they don’t require regular grooming. This charming dog breed requires the same amount of care and attention as any other canine breed, if not more. In fact, the more you groom them, the less likely they are to shed their hair all around your house.

If this is your first Goldendoodle, do not panic. We are here to help you. If you have owned one before, then also this article will help you with some new tips.

Why Should I Groom My Goldendoodle?

Well, a commonsensical answer would be to maintain hygiene. But this isn’t the only reason. Putting your Goldendoodle on a routine grooming schedule is important due to the following reasons-

1.  For A Healthy Coat

A dog’s coat is like a blanket in winter and keeps them cool in summer. The more you comb their fur, the shinier and healthier it stays. Why? Because when you comb, you spread the natural oils, thereby, keeping the skin soft and moist. Plus, the oils have anti-biotic properties too.

2.  Reduce Shedding

Dogs shedding is a natural process but you can reduce this by combing and grooming them with the right products regularly.

3.  Avoid Matting

A matted fur coat of a Goldendoodle can spell major problems for your fur baby and you. Matted fur is a hot spot for fleas and bacteria, leading to severe discomfort for them. They feel itchy and scratchy. Therefore, Goldendoodles need regular grooming care.

4.  Bonding

Grooming and brushing the fur is a great way of spending time with your Doodle. Not only do they learn to socialize but they begin to get comfortable with people touching them. This trust building exercise serves a dual purpose.

So, you see, it isn’t just about hygiene. In fact, the Sebaceous glands release sebum in the dog’s skin and hair follicles. This keeps their coat healthy and shiny.

How Often to Groom Goldendoodle?

How Often Groom Goldendoodle?

As a thumb rule, remember to brush your Doodle’s hair almost every day. Bathe them at least twice a month and cut their fur every 6-8 weeks. However, it is important for Goldendoodle to be groomed professionally. So, do remember to take your dog to a professional groomer at least twice a year, even if you groom them at home. The fur can grow quickly, so you need to keep the hair short. Hence, a trip to a professional groomer every ten weeks or so will do the trick.

Remember, grooming isn’t just about bathing and combing. Nail trimming and teeth brushing are equally important. To answer the question, keep the following variables in mind-

1.  Active baby

If you have an active and healthy dog, bathe them twice a week. If they love to roll in mud or grass or on the pavement bathe immediately after their play.

2.  The health of the pup

If your fur baby is sick, get help from a professional groomer or a Vet regarding the frequency of baths.

3.  Diet of the pup

A rich diet means a shinier coat, healthy nails, and a happy dog. Unhealthy food makes your pup weak.

4.  That time of the year

Doodles shed more when the season changes. Therefore, they require special attention every six months.

5.  Dirt and Odor

Pups at times roll in filth like mud or dead leaves and get their fur all dirty. Plus, when they roll in smelly stuff like dead animals or excrement, they can emanate a smelly odor. No matter what day of the week the Doddle needs a bath. As a rule of thumb, remember Goldendoodles should be washed when they look dirty.

Grooming Goldendoodle Puppies?

Puppies are fairly low maintenance than adult dogs. Nevertheless, you need to get your pup accustomed to grooming so that you won’t face issues later on. However, do remember never to force your fur baby to get accustomed to grooming from the word go. Start by grooming your Doddle twice a week and try making this as much fun as possible. Puppies need more attention when they are sick or injured or smell bad.

How To Groom a Goldendoodle?

How To Groom a Goldendoodle?

A Goldendoodle require consistent grooming. As mentioned before, the grooming regime doesn’t only consist of bathing. There are other cleaning activities involved as well. Following is a complete guide to Doodle grooming-

1.  Brush the coat

Beginning by brushing your dog’s fur coat. Look for any signs of irritation or injuries. Run your fingers through their hair to ensure there aren’t any issues. By brushing regularly, you prevent matting and also remove any debris or other things tangled in the hair. Brushing keeps the hair healthy and shiny.

2.  Detangle

Next step, if the hair is matted, untangle it by using a set of clippers. Do not use scissors. To remove knots from matted hair, use corn starch. Spread some cornstarch on the fur and use your fingers to untangle it. This way, when you comb the hair, the teeth of the comb will bristle through easily. Make sure you remove all tangles from the hair, because if you leave any to be removed after bath, it won’t exactly be an easy breezy job. Pay extra attention to hard-to-brush areas like the ears, tail, and under the legs.

3.  Bathing

Bathing can be a bit challenging especially if your fur baby isn’t too water friendly. You can use tricks like dog toys in the bathtub to keep them busy or dog treats. Do remember to place a non-slip mat at the bottom of the tub before you run a warm bath. Keep all the bathing essentials ready and at arm’s reach. Essentials like a bath towel, dog shampoo, conditioner, detangler spray (if needed), and bathing brush should be ready. Under any circumstances do not replace dog shampoo with human shampoo. The pH balance can make their skin itchy and scratchy. Bathing isn’t exactly a chore that many dog owners look forward to. The same can be true for your Doodle. In this case, use a shampoo with nerve-soothing essential oils to calm them during the bath. As far as the dog owner’s predicament is concerned, be thankful that you need to bathe your Goldendoodle only once or twice a month.

4.  Drying


Once your Doodle is clean to your satisfaction, it’s time to pull them out and dry them thoroughly. Pat dry, and do not rub them vigorously as it can tangle their curly hair. A hairdryer is also a good idea if your pooch is used to them. You can also leave the rest of the moisture to air dry. Just ensure that you dry the areas around the ears thoroughly as any leftover moisture can cause infections. After they dry completely, brush their hair thoroughly. Do not brush when the fur is wet, as it can break their hair easily.

5.  Trimming

Use clippers to trim the hair after the bath. Ensure the hair is completely dry because it becomes easy to comb and cut. Pay attention to the hair around special areas like the ears. Shorten the hair if it blocks the ears. Long hair traps moisture and causes infection. It can also block proper air circulation. Next up is eyes. The hair around the eyes needs to be short so that it doesn’t block their vision. Trimming the hair around the nose and the mouth is equally important. The hair shouldn’t obstruct breathing and eating. Trim the rest of the body with the same precision and care.

6.  Cutting the Nails

If you do not file the nails regularly, now is the time to cut the nails using a dog nail trimmer. Be careful while cutting the toenails because you might cut the blood vessels on the nails if you cut them too close. For smooth movement, it is important to cut the toenails regularly.

7.  Brushing the teeth

Just like humans, Goldendoodles require dental hygiene. It’s important to keep their gums and teeth healthy. To prevent infections, it is essential to brush their teeth regularly. If you ignore oral hygiene diseases like gingivitis can cause a lot of toothache. If their teeth aren’t brushed regularly it leads to bacteria build-up that causes loose tooth, pain, discomfort, and their inability to eat food. Not only this, but if the infection enters the bloodstream, it can spread to and damage crucial organs like the heart, liver, and kidneys. How do we recognize the symptoms of poor oral hygiene? Symptoms like bleeding gums, bad breath, drooling, and loose or broken teeth are fairly common. To prevent any of these issues, use a soft bristle dog brush and dog toothpaste to thoroughly brush their teeth. Brush in circular motions and keep talking to your pup while brushing to keep them engaged. It may not be a fun exercise for them, but they need to get used to it. So, start brushing their teeth when they are puppies.

8.  Examine the eyes

Examine the eyes

Consider this essential step as a part of the grooming routine. Look for any cloudiness, milky spots, or discharge that isn’t normal. If they keep rubbing their eyes, they may have an injury. Also, check for any swelling, discoloration, redness, cuts, scratches, or foreign objects in their eyes that may irritate them. This eye examination is essential as your Goldendoodle ages. If you spot anything extraordinary, it is good to give a heads-up to your Vet.

These steps sum up the intensive grooming routine of a Goldendoodle. Remember not to miss out on any step, and thoroughly follow each stage religiously. The good part is you do not have to do this every day. Following the above-mentioned grooming routine twice a week can keep your Doodle clean and infection free.

Which Dog Grooming Supplies to Buy?

Now that we are aware that how important it is to groom a Goldendoodle, let’s answer the question at hand. Dog Grooming Supplies. There are tons in the market, and not every product suits every breed. In fact, some supplies contain harmful ingredients, which may enter the bloodstream of your pup if they happen to lick the substance off their paws. Therefore, read the label carefully and avoid any sulfates, parabens, mineral oils, and artificial dyes. A sure sign of a harmful product is if it irritates their skin or makes it flaky. Following is a list of Goldendoodle grooming supplies we have complied-

1.  Brush for detangling the hair

Picking the right brush is equally important. Use a slick brush to comb their hair and keep it untangled. It’s best to invest in a brush that isn’t that aggressive on the hair and the skin. A brush that detangles the hair easily and doesn’t bleed them.

2.  Shampoo

This can be a tricky one to choose. The most suited ones depend on the fur type of your Doodle. They either have a straight, curly, or wavy coat. If your pup sheds a lot of hair, go for a deep-cleaning shampoo that will remove any dead hair and reduce shedding. If your pup’s hair mats and tangles easily then go for silk protein shampoo and conditioner. If they have wavy hair, then a shampoo plus conditioner would do the trick. It’s best to invest in a pleasant-smelling shampoo if your dog is fine with it. It’s safe to use a tear-free shampoo or a mild shampoo if you bathe your fur baby every week.

3.  Nail Trimmers

Nail Trimmers

Perhaps the best and the cheapest nail trimmer are the pavement and concrete. So, when you take your dog out for a walk, let them walk and run as much as they want to keep their nails trimmed. Still, you need to invest in a good nail trimmer, especially if you have an older or injured dog. A guillotine trimmer or an electric trimming tool works best.

4.  Other Goldendoodle Grooming Equipment

For cleaning purposes, especially the ears, stay away from q-tips. Always use dog ear wipes and cleaners. You can also ask your Vet for liquids that can be poured into the ear canal for better cleaning. If you use a hairdryer to dry out the fur, set it on low and cool setting. Alcohol free make-up removing wipes can be used if your pup’s eyes feel irritated during the pollen allergy season. But it’s best to consult a Vet if such issues persist.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.  How often should you groom a Goldendoodle dog?

Ideally, you must brush their hair once a day to prevent matting. A thorough bath twice a week is enough to keep them clean. A twice a year trip to a professional groomer will keep their coat, ears, eyes, and nails clean. Get regular haircuts every 6 to 8 weeks. But if your dog appears dirty bathe them immediately. Trim the nails every week.

2.  Do Goldendoodle require a lot of grooming?

Yes, they do. As a breed, Goldendoodles are very active and enjoy rolling in mud, dirt, grass, and dead leaves. They have wavy, curly, or straight coat. So, it needs to be brushed and kept cleaned regularly. Ears, nails, eyes, and teeth are other essential areas that need care and attention to keep them clean.

3.  How often should a Goldendoodle be brushed?

Doddles need to be brushed every day because their hair can get tangled easily. Since they are an active breed, their fur can accumulate a lot of dirt and debris. So, removing them on a regular basis ensures cleaner hair. Plus, the more you brush the shinier and healthier is the coat. Also, it’s a great way to bond and builds a trusting relationship with your pup. If you cannot manage to brush them every day at least do it 3 to 4 times a week. Additionally, do brush them when you finish bathing and dry them after a bath.

4.  When should I groom my Goldendoodle?

A Goldendoodle needs to be groomed regularly. A twice a week bath, nail trimming every week, ear cleaning every week, and haircuts every 6 to 8 weeks are essential. Also, a trip to a professional groomer twice a year will keep them in a clean and hygienic condition.

5.  Can I wash my Goldendoodle every week?

Yes, you can. Being an active breed, they tend to get dirty easily. So, a once-a-week bath is required to keep your Doodle clean and healthy. Use the recommended shampoo and other grooming equipment during bath time.

Concluding thoughts

Regular grooming of Goldendoodles is essential. See it as a routine. Something that’s a part of your life. Doodles are family, and they deserve every bit of health and hygiene. So, when it comes to the question of how often to groom Goldendoodles, keep this guide in mind and follow the tips described above. Your Doodle will look clean, feel fresh, smell nice, and its coat will shine perfectly.


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