Goldendoodles have become a very popular designer breed of dogs, trending on social media with a large following of fans! Just about everyone wants to own one of these cuddly teddy-bears with their lovable personalities. If you’re planning to obtain a Goldendoodle or just get one this Goldendoodle advice is for you to have a healthy and obedient dog.

If you love Goldendoodle we also suggest you to go through the things Goldendoodle lovers must know as owning a Goldendoodle comes with great responsibility.

Clear your scheduleMuch of your time is going to be taken up with the basic care of your new puppy including veterinarian visits during the first few weeks, so please ensure that you do have sufficient time available.

Goldendoodle Advice For New Puppy Owners

Goldendoodle is the most adorable and obedient dog. This Goldendoodle advice will help you to maintain best practices and have a puppy-proofed environment for your furry little friend.

Guide #1: Create a Goldendoodle “Puppy-proofed” environment

  • Get your home “puppy-proofed” beforehand. These furry little darlings love to explore their environment by grabbing, tasting, biting, and swallowing!
  • It’s the swallowing that causes the most concern as it can cause them to choke. Electric cords and any exposed electric wiring should be taped down out of your puppy’s reach for obvious reasons as we do not want the puppy to suffer an electric shock!
  • Absolutely anything, from plants to overhanging table cloths and small gadgets should find a new resting place soonest.
  • The property needs to be extra secured so that the puppy cannot accidentally run off the property. Any little gap in a wall or fence will be explored and being small, your puppy may slip unseen through a small gap.

Check the Goldendoodle puppy-proofing checklist to know more about creating a “Puppy-proofed” environment.

Guide # 2: Be Prepared! – Items that can be purchased beforehand can include

Before you bring your Goldendoodle puppy home you need to purchase a few essential puppy supplies. We’ve jotted down them below.

  • A comfortable doggy bed for your Goldendoodle;
  • A good, appropriate-sized crate;
  • A good supply of high protein veterinarian-approved puppy formula and treats;
  • A non-retractable leash (for obedience training and walks);
  • An ID tag for your puppy containing your contact details;
  • Some ‘non-squeaky’ puppy toys to provide stimulation and fun;
  • A dog harness for your Goldendoodle may have to be bought to perfectly fit with your puppy.

Guide # 3: Ground rules for the first few days

  • Consistency is the keyword for any form of pet training. Ground rules need to be explained upfront to the whole family including any children to eliminate inconsistencies that can confuse your puppy.
  • Experts recommend that initially only a limited number of family members, (one or two) should interact and manage all tasks related to the care of your Goldendoodle puppy.
  • Allow your puppy to become comfortable in the new surroundings and to settle down first, before starting the bonding process with other family members.

Guide # 4: Establish a convenient puppy-bathroom location

  • You will receive a fully potty-trained Goldendoodle puppy. However, all the excitement and new, unfamiliar surroundings may cause a nervous puddle on the lounge floor.
  • Take your puppy soon after arrival (on a leash) to the location you have selected in the yard. Use a word that puppy will remember in the future as a reminder of what that space represents.

Guide # 5: Establish a convenient puppy-feeding location

  • A dedicated feeding locale is of great significance to get your puppy used to feed in only one location. It could be in an appropriate-sized crate but wherever you decide to feed your puppy should be consistent and provide some privacy.
  • The water bowl and food should be in the same location for you and your puppy’s convenience. Your puppy will only return to that specific location to feed. (Choose some delicious and best dog food for your Goldendoodles.)
  • Too much or too little weight gain should be discussed with your veterinarian who could also advise on transitioning formula once your puppy turns a year old.

Guide # 6: Puppy training ASAP!

  • You are the pet parent of one of the most intelligent dog breeds. Goldendoodles learn very quickly so training should start immediately. For effective training read our guide on how to train your Goldendoodle.
  • A good place to start is a ‘puppy obedience school’ where basic socializing skills and obedience commands can be learned.
  • Put this into practice at home daily. Experts advise using a leash for daily training as well as rewards for complying with commands.

Enjoy the companion of your new Goldendoodle puppy and remember consistency is key! This includes scheduled walks, exercise, and other fun activities for your new Goldendoodle puppy. These activities are important to keep your pet in prime physical and mental health.

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