Goldendoodles are a hybrid of a Golden Retriever and a Poodle. There’s nothing wrong with that, but since the breed is a crossbreed, that means that there is the potential for developing genetic health problems. The way the genes from both breeds combine is not up to anyone’s control, so dog owners must learn to adapt and care for their furry pals.

Goldendoodles are generally healthy dogs with a long life span, but they are still susceptible to several health problems. Below, we’ll be talking more about them and what you should be looking out for:

Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is common in medium to large-sized dogs. It is a genetic disease in the hip joints, where the femoral head (the ball part of the femur) and the acetabulum (the hip socket of the pelvis) are not aligned. The ball rests on the edge of the hip socket instead, causing bone-on-bone contact and inflammation. This is one trouble with Goldendoodles, where they are unable to move freely. Over time, this condition worsens and becomes more painful for your Goldendoodle.

If you notice that your Goldendoodle has trouble standing up or is slightly limping, take your dog to the veterinarian for a proper diagnosis. He/she will identify hip dysplasia or arthritis if present. The earlier this condition is detected, the better chances for treatment that can slow down its progression.

Sebaceous Adenitis

Sebaceous Adenitis is a hereditary condition that leads to the gradual loss of hair. The skin disease starts at the head, neck, and back, appearing like scaly and patchy skin. It is usually accompanied by thinning and dull fur.

It happens when the sebaceous glands become inflamed, eventually being destroyed. This takes away the glands’ ability to produce sebum, which is necessary for the production of moisture and other immune functions. Common symptoms include scaling of the skin, musty odor, scabs and sores, dull fur, heavy itching, etc.

Conventional treatments include oil baths, oil sprays, and dog-friendly shampoos to improve the condition of the coat and skin. You should also consider supplementing your dog’s diet with vitamins A, E, and C, and omega-3 and omega-6 to avoid this trouble with Goldendoodles. In cases where it develops into a bacterial or yeast infection, your veterinarian might prescribe antibiotics and corticosteroids.

Sub valvular Aortic Stenosis

A cardiovascular condition, aortic stenosis, is found in large dogs. Though less common, it happens to dogs that are born with an aorta that is too narrow. Because of this, the heart needs to work several times harder to pump blood to the entire body. Some dogs will experience mild narrowing, while others suffer from severe conditions. Symptoms might include fainting, tiredness, weak growth, and lack of interest to exercise.

If left untreated, your Goldendoodle will suffer from the secondary effects of an overworked heart. It can cause coughing as the heart begins to take more room in the chest, difficulty breathing, and heart rhythm abnormalities. Sadly, the trouble with Goldendoodles who have aortic stenosis is that they can pass away suddenly.

The best thing you can do for your Goldendoodle is to take him to the veterinarian. Surgery isn’t recommended, but veterinarians suggest restricting their exercise and using beta-blockers to reduce blood pressure.

Addison’s Disease

Hypoadrenocorticism or Addison’s Disease occurs when the outer layer of the adrenal glands are destroyed. When this happens, the production of two hormones, glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids, is decreased. Both of those hormones are instrumental in a variety of essential bodily functions. You might notice that your dog has increased thirst, experiences vomiting and diarrhea, loses appetite, and frequently shivers or shakes.

Dogs that are suffering from this condition will require intensive care, involving lots of fluid therapy and stabilizing drugs. In the long-term, your Goldendoodle might need drug therapy to replace the lost hormones.


Cataracts can cause opacity of the ocular lens, impairing your dog’s vision. While in humans, cataracts typically involve one eye, for dogs, they tend to appear in both eyes. You might begin to notice clouding in your Goldendoodle’s eyes, but you should not come to a diagnosis without the proper evaluation from a veterinarian.

Surgery can treat the cataract, but another treatment called phacoemulsification has become a popular choice among veterinarians. It involves using sound waves to dissolve the lens before it is replaced with an artificial lens.

Health for All Dogs At Sandiego Goldendoodle

At Sandiego Goldendoodle, we are committed to providing quality healthcare and training to all of our dogs. The overall health and condition of our furry friends is our top priority. We carefully take care of our dogs during breeding to produce the best puppies and continue to care for them after they are born.

We want to match you with the right dog, so if you’d like more information about our dogs for sale, please give us a call. We are more than happy to discuss with you our available dogs and our upcoming litters.

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