How to trim a Goldendoodle face? Yes, it is a burning question for many dog owners, especially if you have a furry Goldendoodle. If you are looking for the perfect hybrid pet breed, Goldendoodles can be the best option. This is a poodle and golden retriever mixed breed, so it has a dense wavy coat and needs regular grooming.

Dog owners usually prefer to visit professional dog breeders initially to learn the standard procedure to follow while trimming the Goldendoodle’s face and body. But it is not possible or economically feasible to visit them regularly. However, it is necessary to know how to trim a Goldendoodle face at home for a dog owner. The excellent news is grooming Goldendoodle’s face is easy whether it is a mini Goldendoodle breed or a standard one.

Things required for Goldendoodle face grooming.

Things required for Goldendoodle face grooming.

Many people have the wrong notion that trimming a dog’s face requires more training and tools. But don’t worry, it is not a tough job. Trimming your Goldendoodle face is simple. Before knowing how to trim a Goldendoodle face, you need to know the required tools. To begin your journey in this regard, you first need to purchase the necessary tools to trim your dog’s face. They are:

1. Steel Pet comb

This comb helps to comb and detangle the fur. It is an essential tool for trimming. While purchasing, you must ensure it is not too sharp and doesn’t scratch the skin. Every furry dog’s owner should have a comb.

2. Slicker Bush or Wire

It is another essential dog grooming tool. This brush will allow you to remove dust from the coat and loose hair. You can use this every day.

3. Grooming Scissors

To ensure you will not hurt the dog’s skin, you need to use blunt-ended or ballpoint scissors. Pay for high-quality grooming scissors for a good grooming experience.

4. Thinning shears

It helps blend fur after cutting with scissors to provide an organic and natural look.

5. Pet Hair Clippers

You can ignore this tool if you don’t want to invest a few more bucks. It is not mandatory, but this tool will make Goldendoodle face grooming process smoother and faster. You may need to give your some time for your pet to adjust and feel easy with the sound it produces.

These are the tools you need for Goldendoodle face grooming.

What is the necessity of grooming the Goldendoodle’s face?

Dogs with thick furs need regular care and maintenance. Otherwise, it can lead to many diseases and create a lot of trouble for your Goldendoodle as well as for you. Goldendoodles are like other dogs, energetic and tend to keep themselves busy in one or another activity. While rooming around the house and outdoors, their fur picks dust, stickers, brambles, ticks, and other bits of foliage. The thick coat tends to stick to their body if you don’t remove them.

If you neglect daily grooming, dust, dirt, and other things start to form mats in the fur. If no action is taken, this will make your job as a dog owner more challenging. Apart from keeping them clean, regular grooming will make your pup look great with shiny fur. Learn how to groom your Goldendoodle to keep them clean and healthy.

The Goldendoodle’s face trimming is necessary because if it is not attended properly, it can cover the eyes of the dog and cause irritation. The unclear sight can lead your pup to walk into objects and can result in injury. Hence learning how to trim a Goldendoodle face is essential for dog owners.

When do you need to do Goldendoodle face grooming?

When do you need to do Goldendoodle face grooming?

Before understanding how to trim a Goldendoodle face, knowing when you need it is necessary. Grooming your furry friend depends on the type of their coat. General grooming for curly hairs dogs must be groomed at least once a month to avoid matting. If your dog has straight hair, you must do the grooming at least once in 45 days. Learn more about how often to groom Goldendoodle.

But it would help if you considered the environment where they live. For example, if your dog rooms around the outdoors and underbrush, and it is shedding, you need to increase the frequency of grooming to prevent your house from growing fur. If you consider trimming, if your pup has thick hair, you need to cut the top of the hair.

Also, depending on the time of the year, you need to adjust the haircut. If you and your pet friend live in a cold environment, you can delay the trimming and grooming since they need protection from the cold. But if you live in a tropical area, doing a regular grooming job is recommended. And your pup would also like to lose some hair during hot days.

Also, if your dog walks into furniture, walls, and other objects, most probably, the fur causes disturbance to its eyes. Hence, it is the best time to groom your pet. It will help them to see the surroundings. In the next step, we will see how to trim a Goldendoodle face.

How to trim a Goldendoodle face step by step?

Once you gather all the required tools and knowledge about when to groom your furry friend, it is time to groom Goldendoodle face. This section will explain how to trim a Goldendoodle face. The below steps will guide you towards achieving your objectives. So, sit in a comfortable space, and you can clean the mess afterward easily using a drop cloth.

How to trim a Goldendoodle face step by step

If this is your first time, you must be more cautious and gentler. Cutting Goldendoodle hair around the ears, eyes, and entire face will take up to one hour. Hence ensure to make it a smooth experience for your dog; it will help you conduct such sessions without any resistance from your dog.

Some pets will be overly playful or non-cooperative. If your pup is one of them, you can use a leash and give some chewing toys. Also, giving a treat on its excellent behavior will help to conduct grooming sessions without complexities. You should also remember that this experience can be frightening for your pet; hence, you must show love and patience.

So, by keeping all these instructions in mind, let us look at all the steps involved in trimming a Goldendoodle face.

Step 1 – Bath your pet friend first.

Many people directly jump to start cutting their hair and other activities. But it is a better idea if you start by giving a bath to your Goldendoodle. If your dog is not ready to bathe or you don’t want to, it is necessary to use a wet cloth and clean the area around the eyes. In this step, you need to remove your Goldendoodle’s tear stains and accumulated guck. After this, dry the fur using a dry towel gently.

Step 2 – Brush the hair.

Now, you need to brush their fur. It depends on how long your pet’s hair is. If it is longer, you need to take some time to brush their coat. Start combing out if there are any mattes and debris. In this step, take the opportunity to give a massage to your pal, it will help to relax, and in turn, your furry friend will cooperate. If any stuff remains on the coat, you must use a wire brush and remove loose hair. Brushing the hair around their face is necessary.

Step 3 – Remove the hair around the eyes.

Remove the hair around the eyes

Before beginning to trim around the eyes, ensure to give comfort to your pup. Give some time for your puppy to examine the equipment before starting grooming. After that, hold your Goldendoodle in one hand and ensure it doesn’t move too much. Use the blunt scissors and carefully trim the fur from their eyes. Once you see their eyes clearly, use thinning shears to blend the coat.

Step 4 – Clip the Bangs

If you want, you can choose to give dog bangs. To make this, use a steel comb and gently comb out near the eyes. Then, using your fingers, hold the fur between the fingers and cut the excess hair. If your pet frequently moves, ensure to hold its muzzle in one hand. While doing this, be careful about the scissors when working near the eyes. Many professionals who know to trim a Goldendoodle face generally use bangs.

Step 5 – Trim the cheeks.

Once your pup’s eyes are clear, move toward its cheeks. Use a comb, pull the excess hair near the cheeks, and gently cut them. Use only blunt-end scissors and trim the fur around the muzzle. Gently remove the excess hair until you feel it is the correct length. Now, the shape should resemble a triangle.

Step 6 – Trimming the beard.

Once you finish giving the general shape to the muzzle, work on the beard. Use your scissors to remove the hair around Goldendoodle’s mouth. Use the steel comb, gently pull down the fur under the muzzle, and snip them. You need to cut the coat shorter around the mouth and top of the neck.

Step 7 – Trim the hair around the ears.

Once you are done with the area around the mouth, you must take care of their ears. Use the comb and comb the hair near the ears. With the blunt-ended scissors, gently snip excess hair from the ears. It would help if you were more careful since there is a risk of cutting the skin near the ears.

Trim the hair around the ears

Once you are done with one ear, now move to another. Later, gently pull both ears towards its nose and ensure both ears’ hair has a similar length. If you feel both look similar, use the thinning shears to blend.

Step 8 – Trim the hair on the top of the head.

If your pet has more fuzzy hair around the head, you must do a trim. Using pet hair clippers makes your process smooth and faster. If you do not have hair clippers, you can use scissors. Begin using your steel comb to fluff up the fur on the top of the head and use the blunt-end scissors to trim the hair around the head. Once you are satisfied with the length of the hair, use thinning shears to blend its fur.

The shape and appearance of your furry friend’s head solely depend on your choice. You can give it a teddy bear shape or a poodle.

Step 9 – The finishing touch

Once you finish all these steps, now is your time to step back and admire your work and your pet’s look! If you feel any improvement area, notice and take care of that the next time. Once satisfied with your work, brush your pup, remove all loose hair, and provide one last brushing reward. Because they love touching, remember to give a thumbs up to you because you have learned to trim a Goldendoodle face.


That’s it! Now you know everything that is required to do Goldendoodle face grooming. And we hope you can explain to others also how to trim a Goldendoodle face. This process is easy if you follow the steps discussed thus far. But all you need is patience and care toward your pet friend. You obviously cannot master this art the first time, even if you follow the above steps. It will take a few attempts, and eventually, you can groom like a professional groomer.

FAQs on trimming a Goldendoodle face.

Find some frequently asked questions and answers about trimming your Goldendoodle face.

1. How Do You Groom a Goldendoodle Face?

First, with care, brush Goldendoodle’s face using the steel comb. After that, cut the excess beard using blunt scissors and trim the hair. Once you eliminate the bulk of excess hair, use the thinning shears to blend the lines.

2. What Tools Do I Need to Groom My Goldendoodle?

If you want to groom a Goldendoodle face, you must have a pet comb, a pair of grooming scissors, a slicker bush, and thinning shears. Hair clippers also help to make your trimming process easier, but it is not mandatory. Sometimes these hair clippers can cause injury to your dog if the edges are sharp.

3. How to Trim a Goldendoodle Eyes?

You can clean and trim the hair around the eyes of the dog, but you should not touch its eyes. You need to be gentler when cutting the hair near the eyes. You can use damp and warm washcloths. Hold the pup gently against the debris and carefully wipe once it has softened.

4. How to Give a Goldendoodle a Teddy Bear Cut?

First, brush your dog well; it will remove tangles and mats. You can use shampoo and conditioner to soften and clean the coat. After this, blow and dry it. Now using the superior quality clippers, begin with clipping the neck & back. After that, cut the hairs near its belly, legs, chest, and other body parts. Use scissors to neaten its coat to get the perfect teddy bear shape. Working near the ears can be tricky, so take more time to proceed in this area.

At last, give the head a round shape. This will take more practice to get the perfect teddy bear shape. The more you do, you will become better at it. Finally, use a slicker brush and fluff up the dog’s coat. Then apply perfume or deodorant you like!

5. How to Trim Goldendoodle Muzzle?

If you know to trim a Goldendoodle face, you can easily see the answer to this question. Carefully lift your pup’s head to access the muzzle. Begin from its chin and run the clippers back to its throat. Brush away any loose hairs in the mouth and nose area. This will complete trimming the Goldendoodle muzzle.


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